Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) With the holidays quickly approaching, the pharmacists here at Valu-Med thought it would be a good time to discuss a very common issue we see with many of our patients, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. In addition, National GERD Awareness week is November 22-28 so it’s a great time to provide…

Vitamin D: What is it and why do we need it? Many years ago, doctors realized that sunlight, which allows you to produce vitamin D, helped prevent a bone condition called rickets in children. Recent research shows a link between vitamin D and strong healthy bone. Moreover, vitamin D may be important in preventing and…

Over the last several years, we have seen a tremendous increase in international travel. From business or missionary trips to simply traveling on vacation, people are visiting more international destinations than ever before. With this increase in travel, people may be exposed to rare and exotic diseases that are not typically found in the…

What is Shingles and should I get the Shingles shot? It seems like shingles outbreaks have started occurring more and more frequently in our patients here at Valu-Med Pharmacy over the last several years. Many of our patients have had to be treated for this disease and we have had more questions than ever on…